New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

Clear Out the Clutter

One of the easiest and most budget friendly ways to feel better about your home is to clear it of clutter. Stuff is the enemy, and inevitably every year (particularly during the holidays) we acquire a heap of stuff. Often our cupboards, cabinets and drawers are packed tight making it difficult to find things and leaving us feeling frustrated, angry, and unproductive  
Clutter effects us  both mentally and physically , and can eat away at our time. Think of all the minutes we waste looking for items that aren’t where they should be. Plus the sheer stress of a cluttered life means we may miss deadlines, work longer hours, and lose important items. Clutter equals stress and therefore in my opinion there is no better place to start simplifying!

This year a great resolution may be to purge all of the items you don’t actually use, and think twice about what you bring into your home! Get rid of anything that is broken, doesn’t work, or is just collecting dust. Organize items like your cookbook and DVD collections out of sight. Clear your counter-tops of items you don’t use daily and introduce beautiful storage elements where necessary to help control the mess.   

Put Energy Bills on a Diet!

Often when we think of saving energy and “going green” images of solar panels or hybrid cars come to mind, but the simple fact is being more environmentally conscious is easy! You can save big on energy bills, and I know for a fact that by following these simple steps you can keep more of that green in your bank account! 

Cut your household energy use by switch off the lights when you leave a room, dial down the thermostat or set it to “auto away” when you are not home.   You could even invest in a smart home automation to help simplify your energy needs. 

Install weather stripping around your doors to prevent drafts and heat loss. 

Replace old fixtures with energy efficient lighting, and new low flow shower-heads. 

Wait for the washing machine or dishwasher to be full before you hit the start button. 

Water your yard less… consider planting drought-tolerant perennials and shrubs like junipers, yuccas and ornamental grasses. You can also replace your traditional sprinkler system with drip irrigation or micro spray heads. 

Systemize Your House Cleaning.

By implementing some simple rules and a schedule for regular housework you can improve your efficiency and cut down on tidying time.  

Make it a regular occurrence that every night dishes go in the dishwasher, dirty clothes go into the laundry hamper and jackets, shoes and bags are hung in the closet where they belong. Put everything back to its allocated place… no excuses! It may seem like a challenge at the end of a long day but you will save time and energy in the long run looking for things where they don’t belong! 

For those of us who work Monday to Friday  getting up on Saturday morning to clean you house might be a though pill to swallow. However if you are disciplined and cultivate a weekly routine you will be able to clean your entire home FAST.  Keep all of your cleaners and tools in a portable carryall that moves with you from room to room, I use a simple rubber tote.  Focus on one sort of cleaning at a time. Dust the entire space then move to wiping down counters and furniture, wash all of your windows and mirrors in one foul swoop and last but not least sweep or mop your floors. Working from top to bottom is definitely the way to go! 

For peak performance enlist the help of other family members and divide the jobs amongst yourselves. If you commit to a routine and tackle these items first thing on Saturday morning, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor all week! 

Get ready for entertaining

Predictably each year most of us vow to spend more time with friends and loved ones. A great way to keep that resolution is to update your entertaining space so you feel inclined to having company. You don’t need to re-model but adding some cozy elements like new artwork or a potted plant or a fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into your space. Lastly take the time to re-arrange your furniture creating space for conversation instead facing the television. This is a great way increase the chance of real communication and quality time with your loved ones this year! 

Weather or not you are planning to sell your home in 2016, it is great to know that by following some simple steps you will be ready to list at a moments notice.  


Here is are some great resources to help implement your resolutions: 
Kick The clutter Habit :
Nanaimo Gardening Club :
How to speed clean your entire house in under an hour :
organizing-made-easy :