Joy of Downsizing

Seniors, empty-nesters or anyone moving from a residential home to an apartment or condominium face the challenge of a new living space with limited room for furniture, clothes and treasured items. To make the transition as smooth as possible come up with a game plan before you downsize. Planning in advance will make you feel your new paired down lifestyle remains comfortable and stylish.

Read our tips below to help make this transition as joyful and hassle free as possible.

TIP 1: Plan Ahead 

Before you move, it's important to know where every item you're keeping will go. As you assess your belongings keep in mind your wants from your needs. When downsizing it's important to remember that it's just stuff. The reality is it's often not the pysical things that form the attachment, but rather the memory associated with the furniture or collectables. Starting early with your downsizing to stay organized and save you from headaches later. 

TIP 2: Determine Your Needs in Your New Space

It helps to ask yourself some questions. Visualize your lifestyle as you move forward. Really think about what you will need and try to be as ruthless as possible!

Some good questions to ask yourself are:

How much smaller is your new home? Know the measurements of the rooms and measure your furniture to know exactly what will fit.
Do you have room for oversize furniture in your new space? If you will be buying anything new go for smaller furniture items to keep your new space looking roomy and airy.
Do you have duplicate items that can be eliminated? Keep only your favourites. The kitchen can be a cuprit for this and you do not need 10 frying pans!
Do you feel you should keep something just because you spent a lot of money for it? Perhaps this is the time to give away items to loved ones. 

TIP 3: Every Room Has a Purpose

When downsizing, it is important to "edit" your possessions. Realize that when space is at a premium, every little corner should have a purpose or function. With some planning, a shelf can become your whole home office or a corner becomes an art studio. It is important to be conscious of how you choose to spend your time and resources moving forward.

TIP 4: Think Quality and Multi-Purpose

Quality over quantity. Choose a great piece of furniture that makes a statement, instead of trying to squeeze too many pieces into a single room. Try to always have multipurpose furniture pieces. Nightstands with open and closed storage and ottomans with tops that lift to offer space inside for blankets or extra pillows.

TIP 5: Accept Help

It's okay to ask for help when it comes time to cataloging and packing your belongings. Get your family involved and this can be a wonderful bonding experience sorting through old memories. This is a great time to gather everyone together to help decide what to keep and what to say goodbye to. Or consider hiring a professional organizer who can offer an objective opinion when you're trying to decide what you really need to eliminate. With Craigslist, ebay and numerous consignment shops you can sell what you don't give away to family and friends. Or donate to your local charity.

If you are planning on downsizing call our real estate experts to give you the advice you need to sell your home and find the new dream home for the next chapter in your life.

We look forward to hearing from you!