Practical jokers rejoice – April 1st is almost here.

(1) Come in with a Bang! Tape some balloons to the back of your front door and get a little scare from the next person who comes inside.

(2) The Worst Soap Ever. Paint a bar of soap with clear nail polish so that it won’t lather.

(3) The Watchful Fridge. Put googley eyes on everything in the fridge. There’s nothing like opening the fridge to grab some milk for your cereal in the morning and seeing everything stare back at you!  

(4) Broccoli Doughnuts. Fill a Tim Horton’s doughnut box with – you guessed it – broccoli!

(5)  Upside Down House. After everyone goes to bed, turn as many things upside down as you can, including framed pictures, clocks, chairs and toys. When the family wakes up in the morning, they’ll do a double-take and wonder what happened.

(6) No TV Tonight. Prank both kids and adults by placing small pieces of clear tape over the sensors on the television and gaming console remotes.

However you choose to participate in April Fools Day, we hope that your pranks bring smiles, laughter and good fun to the people in your life and fills your home with joy.

Happy April Fools Day ….. Or not?  …