Category: May 2023

June 2023 Nanaimo Market Update

While July 2022 marked the start of declining real estate prices and transactions, the Nanaimo real estate market has been steadily recovering month over month, meaning all sectors of the Nanaimo real estate market have seen shorter days on market, sale prices closer (and sometimes over) the list price, and an increase to the average price comparing May to April of 2023. The month of May 2023 witnessed promising indicators that the market is getting back to where it was before the decline.

How to Grow a Herb Garden this Spring

Imagine stepping into your backyard or kitchen and harvesting fresh herbs bursting with fragrance and flavour. Creating your own herb garden brings the joys of gardening and culinary exploration together, offering a rewarding experience that elevates your dishes and enhances your well-being. In this blog, we’ll dive into the captivating world of herb gardening and share tips so you can have your own!

Smart Homes – The Integration of Technology & Real Estate

The rapid advancements in technology are continuously shaping our daily lives. One of the most significant impacts is the emergence of smart homes, which seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology with real estate. Smart homes offer a plethora of benefits, from enhanced security and convenience to energy efficiency and cost savings. This article will explore the rise of smart homes, their key features, and the future of this technology-driven trend in the real estate industry.