NANAIMO, BC – The Vancouver Island real estate market set a brisk pace in March, with buyer demand outpacing supply in most areas. And after 25 years in the business this is the strongest I have seen our local market but more importantly it’s backed by a stronger foundation that can support the growth. The demographic trends of the baby boomers and the shift away from larger centres in search of a balanced lifestyle is what will continue to fuel our market.
Category: Uncategorized
5 Mistakes of First Time Buyers & How to Avoid Them
Exciting, amazing, and scary… just among a few of the emotions first time home buyers experience. Buying your first home is something you will probably never forget, hopefully for all the right reasons! To help make this purchase a positive experience we have assembled a list of 5 common mistakes that first-time buyers can make, and how you can avoid them.
6 Things To Know About Mortgages
Mortgage regulations have changed significantly over the last few years, making your options wider than ever. Subtle changes in the way you approach mortgage shopping, and even small differences in the way you structure your mortgage, can cost or save you literally thousands of dollars and years of expense.
Springtime Curb Appeal
Spring is in the air, and whether or not you are planning to list your home this season, consider updating the outside of your home and see how you can drastically improve your homes curb appeal.
Market Update February 2016
Nanaimos housing market started 2016 with strong sales, continuing the momentum created in the last quarter of 2015.
5 Trends in Micro Housing
The hottest new trend paring in urban real estate; the burgeoning micro-housing movement. That dream of a household with 2.5 children, a dog, and a two-car garage may no longer be the future norm: people are staying single longer, having children later, and opting out of living in the suburbs, in favor of moving into city centers. In response to these demographic shifts—and in an effort to create more affordable options, urban housing is getting smaller. Cities like Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco, have adopted zoning changes to allow for micro-housing, generally studios under 400 square feet.
How to choose the right lightbulb
With new, energy-efficient lighting standards come new kinds of light bulbs and more choices than ever. So how do you decide which bulb is best for your home and budget?
Market Update January 2016
In many respects, 2015 was a year to celebrate for our local housing market. After 5 years of below average sales, and little to no price growth, 2015 had many sellers smiling. The question people are asking, is whether the prospects for 2016 will be any better?
New Minimum Downpayment Rules
Are you going to be affected by the new minimum downpayment rules?
Home Improvement Tips : Add value without breaking the bank!
Whether you are planning to sell your house today, or planning for the future, there are a number of inexpensive improvements that will go a long way toward increasing your enjoyment of your home, while adding to its value.
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home
2016 is almost here; and if you are anything like myself along with a new year comes the inevitable vows to lose weight, to save money or to spend more time with family and friends, but what about your home? So many of our clients want to simplify there lives, ditch the clutter or be more environmentally conscious this upcoming year? To help the process here are my top picks for t home improvement resolutions for the New Year.
Market Update Nov 2015
Sales of single-family homes declined in October, reflecting typically slower fall market conditions. However, due to a robust spring and summer housing market, the board is on target to end out the year as one of the stronger years for sales within the last 5 years.